Monday, 13 January 2014

You DON'T Need To Detox

It’s that time of the year when our thoughts turn to those four daunting resolutions-eating a healthy diet, starting a detox programme, getting fit and losing weight! For many of us, our mind has already started its negative instructions to our body and we probably haven't even got near the starting blocks. Whilst I would definitely encourage you to eat healthy, lose weight if you are carrying excess and tone up those abs - I wouldn't encourage you to start a mad detox regime or turn to any strange cleansing rituals. Here's why.The only time that you are not detoxing is when you are dead. If you are alive your body is always sifting through the foods, drink and gunk,eliminating and forcing out waste and toxins. It does this every second, every minute of the day. I recommend that you simply trust your body's complex, impressive, and entirely natural detoxifying system by eating sensibly and avoiding excess. For instance if you stimulate the liver’s natural detox processes you will allow organs and tissue to release metabolic waste, rest and restore the body’s digestive system and recharge metabolism for increased energy and vitality. It's really that simple.

One of the best ways to stimulate the body’s natural detoxifying system is to stimulate both Phase I and Phase II detoxification enzymes found inside the liver cells, these are pathways that convert a toxic chemical into a less harmful chemical, allowing the body to nullify harmful substances and make them stable for removal. You can do this by eating vegetables containing the indole-3-carbinol compound, these includes; the broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage & cauliflower family. Indole-3-carbinol serves as a very active stimulant of detoxifying enzymes in the gut and the liver thus allowing it to nullify harmful substances and make them stable for removal. Another nutrient, Ellagic Acid, found in pomegranate extract is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy liver function.Thirdly, sulphur rich foods including eggs, asparagus, onions, garlic and kale contain Alpha Lipoic Acid & N-Acetylcysteine which helps protect the body against harmful by-products of metabolism & toxic compounds such as cigarette smoke, fried foods, excessive sun exposure, car exhaust and environmental pollution.

By eating certain amounts of the right foods you don't need to detox. Of course many people want a quick fix or a magic bullet and can't always eat a healthier diet. There are special nutrients made into supplements that will naturally boost liver function and help do an effective clean up job. Detox Plus contains all the foods your body's need to detox in one small pill. If you have seriously overindulged during the festive season or you feel you need a spring clean then consider taking this pill for 30 days. Available from If you type in the special code DETOXJAN when you order you can save 25% discount on every bottle.

Thursday, 2 January 2014


The concept that LDL is “bad cholesterol” is  simplistic and scientifically untenable, to the point that LDL has got a really bad name and is grossly misunderstood by the public, the media and the medical profession. In contrast, its twin HDL is always the good guy. In reality there is no good or bad cholesterol and I'll explain why. Sticking to hard science, in 2005, Colpo commented, “no tightly controlled clinical trial has ever conclusively demonstrated that reducing LDL cholesterol can prevent cardiovascular disease, this has been borne out by dozens of clinical trials show that lowering LDL cholesterol did not prevent heart disease and an extremely large meta-analysis of 61 prospective studies that comprised 900,000 adults found no association of LDL cholesterol linked to strokes either!  Dr. Sarah Lewington from  the University of Oxford was quoted as saying “I think all we can say is that we don’t really understand what’s going on here.” Kuhn et al wrote: “Blood cholesterol by itself is a poor predictor of individual risk of coronary heart disease and few people identified purely on the basis of cholesterol levels will gain any benefit from treatment by taking cholesterol lowering drugs like statins.

So, if LDL free cholesterol itself does not cause heart disease or strokes, then what does and why has LDL got such a bad name? The key to answering these two questions is to understand the role of LDL in the body. LDL free cholesterol is a transport vehicle for parent essential oils ( essential fatty acids ) into the cells. It just so happens that LDL will transport  any type of EFA, but particularly Linoleic Acid ( LA) the omega 6 type, and it will carry both the  good or bad - including oxidised trans-fats. According to Professor Gerhard Spiteller, at the University of Bayreuth Germany,'it's the consumption of the oxidised PUFA-cholesterol esters in our diet, caused from eating hydrogenated fats like margarine and processed adulterated  omega 6 fats in processed foods that are responsible for the damage to endothelial cells in the arteries of the heart'. These PUFA trans fats are toxic compounds, and LDL unknowingly transports these poisons into cell walls that clog our arteries. LDL is simply doing its job; the bad guy is the oxidised esters which create free radicals and not the LDL cholesterol. Okay, so how do we make sure that our body's LDL carries good fats and not bad fats.

It's really quite simple - we just make sure we stop eating or reduce our diet intake of  bad fats and we eat  more fully functional unprocessed essential fatty acids, in particular Linoleic Acid ( LA omega 6). If we continue to eat  adulterated processed omega 6 fats or hydrogenated oils then we will create a toxic load of oxidised PUFA trans fats which poor old LDL will have no choice but to carry  into heart cells or dump onto arterial walls as plaque.  Failure to distinguish between the processed and unprocessed EFA has led to incorrect and misleading information that all omega 6 fats are bad for our health. Please be aware that he body cannot make essential Omega 6 fatty acids - they  must come from either the foods we eat or from taking a parent essential oil (PEO) supplement.The best diet sources of diet Omega 6 include; organic free range poultry & red meat, free range eggs, aovocados, nuts and seeds and organic cereals.

For more information on Parent Essential Oil supplements visit the website;