Monday, 23 December 2013

Fish Oils Don't Prevent Heart Disease

A very large study in Italy reported in May 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine was conclusive in proving that fish oil was completely ineffective in preventing heart disease for a large group of high risk patients. Dr. Eric Topol editor-in-chief of Medscape and leading Cardiologist, recommended discontinuing all fish oil supplementation for the prevention of heart disease. The real truth about fish oil is finally being championed by cardiovascular doctors in mainstream medicine industry.

Another breakthrough study reported in Food & Nutrition Sciences Sept 2013 stated that the human body simply cannot metabolise the huge doses of EPA & DHA found in fish oil supplements. The study says 'EPA & DHA are adulterated oxidised 'derivatives' carried by LDL-Cholesterol into the arterial system and dumped as plaque where they can clog up our arteries.  Scientists now believe that the body can make sufficient EPA & DHA for optimum health benefits from the 'parent' essential oils and we actually don't need to take  fish oil supplements for heart health. Parent Essential Oils ( PEO's)  are cold pressed organic unadulterated omega 6 and omega 3 seed and plant oils including sunflower, borage, evening primrose, flax oil and pumpkin seed oil. 

'Greens' Neutralise Harmful Diet Toxins

Ever wondered why domestic animals (dogs and cats) eat grass when they feel sick? The answer is that grass is rich in chlorophyll, which helps cleanse the body of unhealthy toxins. Whilst we humans aren't obvious grass eaters, we do eat something similar but more trendy which gives the same effect as dogs get. All edible 'greens' including; Barley Grass Juice, Wheat Grass & Kamut contain two different types of chlorophyll (chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b) that has been proven in clinical studies effective at blocking or neutralising uptake of many harmful toxins added or found in foods. These include; the liver toxin aflatoxin-B1 found in peanuts, chemicals found in tobacco smoke, and nitric amines found in cooked meats.

The binding of chlorophyll to these potential carcinogens may interfere with gastrointestinal absorption of potential carcinogens, reducing the amount that reaches susceptible tissues. After studying the clinical research it seems logical that high chlorophyll foods like Wheat, Barley and Kamut would have cleansing and neutralising properties, that undoubtedly caused  many leading health pioneers including the  late Dr. Bernard Jensen, holistic health pioneer and author of Chlorella, Gem of the Orient, to state “Chlorophyll is the greatest natural tissue cleansing agent known to man'. 

Clinical studies also show that chlorophyll can form tight molecular complexes with certain chemicals known or suspected to cause cancer and eliminate them from the body. It makes sense to eat a daily diet containing 3-4  portions of  cooked steamed 'greens' like kelp, spinach, green cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beans and peas. If this is not possible take dried greens or an organic green powder supplement. Naturopath Linda Page, Ph.D., in her book "Healthy Healings Detoxification: Programs to Cleanse, Purify and Renew" quotes the fact that alkalizing minerals in greens like 'wheatgrass juice complement the blood-cleansing effects of chlorophyll, helping to reduce inflammation and other ill effects caused by overly acid conditions.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Tax On Sugary Drinks Wrong Approach To Lowering Obesity in Young Adults

A study paid for by the British Heart Foundation, reported in Daily Telegraph proposes that a govt tax on sugary drinks may help to lower obesity in young adults, the logic is that increased cost of buying coke or 7 up will change their buying habits toward more lower cost diet sugar free drinks. The income generated from this sugar tax will boost govt coffers by £280 million a year, money which, according to govt spin machine will be spent on educating manufacturers to lower levels of saturated fats in foods.

Firstly, it is a dangerous precedent to encourage kids and teenagers to drink more diet drinks, laced with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, phosphorus, colours and additives,studies show that diet drinks don't help reduce obesity and cause more harm than good.The British Heart Foundation should be discouraging the consumption of sugar free diet drinks.

Secondly, food manufacturers should not be adding saturated fats in foods, saturated fats are only healthy for us when they are unadulterated, naturally occurring as nature intended,in organic cheese, free range grass fed meats, eggs, natural organic yoghurts etc. Heart disease and obesity is propagated  by food manufacturers by adulterating saturated fats and polyunsaturates into trans fats sold as processed foods. When will the British Heart Foundation and the Government Health Department wake up and smell the roses of what is really needed to prevent and combat obesity. Young adults need to be educated correctly about good nutrition principles, they need to be inspired to take individual responsibility for their health -  it's the role of parents first and then schools to action and implement this.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Beware of using Anti-Ageing Skincare In Your Twenties

Using heavy duty skincare creams and make up on young skin could be doing more harm than good. According to cosmetic surgeon Dr Marco Lens, in a recent article in The Style Magazine 'young women in their twenties are asking for more anti-ageing products than the skin needs'. The problem seems to be that many young people are taking products to remove and prevent wrinkles which don't exist, and using cosmetics harshly made to remove the skin outer layers when these layers are just fine. Young people wishing to use a non-invasive preventative anti-ageing treatment should consider improving skin from the inside out-by taking a natural collagen supplement, one of the best is  available from http:/ this will help give smoother skin, lubricate & moisturise and improve joint mobility. Let's not forget that women lose collagen at a rate of 1.5% per year from age 25 onward, so this advice makes real sense.


10 Health Reasons For Taking 5 Servings Greens Daily

Detoxifies heavy metals  & toxins
Fights Infections
Nurtures healthy skin and hair
Boosts the immune system 
Balances brain chemistry
Helps prevent anaemia
Lowers cholesterol levels
Promotes weight loss
Acts as blood purifier
Inhibits allergic reactions

If you can't eat 5 servings of cooked greens or vegetables every day then you should consider taking a green food supplement. Just one teaspoon of Green Magic from contains the ORAC value equivalent to eating 3-4 daily servings. (ORAC is the measurement of the antioxidant vale of a food as determined by The World Health Organisation)